Life isn't as complicated as everyone think, there are a lot of solutions for all problems, depends on whether you are willing to give a think on the question. When you can't solve a problem yourself, never hesitate and feel shy to ask for help from people around you, 在家靠父母,在外靠朋友, appreciate your friends, who knows someday they might help you in some ways you never expected. But do keep away from friends who like to CONsult you, I don't think their CONsult will do much help in solving your problems. How do you identify them? Simple, 3 sentences after your question if it's still irrelevant, they are CONsultant.
Is never too late to restart from where you fall, but first thing to do for a new beginning, get a new hair cut, because 一切从“头”开始 (everything begin from your head).
What Is Socially Responsible Investing
6 years ago
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