Take a ride on 轻快铁 back to Hong Kong early in the morning after breakfast at station McDonald.

On our way to 低死你乐园, we pass by this building, which is the most expensive hotel in Hong Kong, 1 night can cost you around 5 digits. On the ground floor of the Hotel are all high class items shop such as Gucci, Prada, LV, Yamaha!?

Finally reach Disney Land,

There are 3 sections in Disney Land, which are adventure Land, Fantasy Land and Tomorrow Land. If you just walk around without visiting any place, 25 minutes can gau dim everything and your journey in Disney Land is over. Geng leh~?

I can feel the summon of Disney Land, whispering besides my ears..."come to me, come to me...spend all your money at me..." zzz

Adventure Land, Tarzan hide out, for those who had confident in your 轻功,go ahead fly up and listen to Tarzan rawr and climb down.

River ride, I strongly recommend you all to ride the Cantonese boat, the 女导游is pro joker. Laugh nonstop for the whole ride roflmao. XD






!!!?? It's all toys..lol XD
Another hotspot which I recommend, it's a MUST NOT MISS which is the mickey 4D show. 4D > 3D, wanna know why, go liao then you will know, it's the only place even you got super duper holy maximum megapixel, super focus fire, zoom 999 times, brush teeth, see through shirt function camera or cam recorder, also can't capture any photos in there, so just sit back and relax. Store the memory in your brain. :p Perhaps finish watching this show, some of you might understand why Disney can run this business for so many years.
Well, Lion King show is not as fascinating as I expected, but still it's kinda cool with all those sound effect. Just the
ang moh and china girl who sit besides me make me beh tong nia. The
ang moh keep repeating "Oh Tommy I love you so much, you are such a big boy, Oh yes~" and the china girl keep blow water to her friends on her new jewelry. Please la, everyone also know China popular with what product la. =.=" The Christmas celebration special Parade.


Ginger bread man, always my favorite character.

Here comes the 7 perverts again.

Santa!!! where's my Nissan Fairlady I wished for?

End of the Parade.

小人国, this place I recommend you to go if you want to romantically break up with your other half a.k.a bf/gf. Why I said so? First, you will go in and take a ride on a boat and enjoy the show, so just kick/throw/slam/push/German suplex your gf/bf in the middle of the adventure into the water, Romantic + break up, not bad liao la.

Curi take photo again. Want see the red shirt girl mia full face call me, 1300-88-2525, price negotiable. Eh don't get it wrong, I asked for her permission to take her full face photo later on, this still curi tangkap one la, haha.
Golden Mickey Theather lenglui show. Here's
short clip.
注意the price tag, can buy a house or car already. ROFL.

Climax of the night, Fire Work.

Castle started to change color, blue now.



Hand not fast enough, mission fail.
Back to the hotel room, take a nice hot bath, then go down the street and take a short walk under 15 degrees temperature...

Saw this LOL, haiz business nowadays so hard to do. =/