Compare to Shenzhen mia girls, I like Shenzhen one more, 18 years old already come out do business, erm..I mean the legal business. Straight forward, cute, 自食其力+独立,definetely the type who can attract me the most. :p
After breakfast, go 散步 sin.
Red Box.
LoL mia slogan.
Taxis are so common in Hong Kong.
Short story time again, once upon a time, before you and me are born, there was a happy couple in 元朗. The wife offered herself to some rich fart to 安葬 his husband Laopek. Since then, the husband 不气馁,发奋图强,created this special delicacy to sell and earn money, finally let him buy his wife back. From that day onward, this special delicacy 流传至今. 正所谓"为囡死,为囡亡,为囡搞到入监房." 这种精神真是值得敬佩.
!!! + ???
Hands on keyboard and mouse please. One thing so special in Hong Kong is sexual material and advertisement are legal and normal, you can find naked and Japan AV nude magazine everywhere even in the airport. I recommend you all must read the 龙虎豹, the content quite...ahem. Anyone want to go HK try the school girls skill can ask me along, bring along RM 2k with you so can siok for 3 nights.
Back to Malaysia. Since then I lived happily ever after with my Hong Kong Legs.
-The End-
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