Dog learn people wear shirt. =.=" shirt market can include dog population already
Adidas somemore. Diao LOL.
貔貅 and 夜明珠.
貔貅again :D at jade manufacturing company in Shenzhen.
As promised in the last post, here's a short story of 貔貅: 传说东海龙王有对双胞胎,一男一女。就有一天,玉帝就摆了场筵席,东海龙王也就带了两儿女去参加,但是不幸的两个小孩比较顽皮,触犯了天条,欲被判死罪,基于东海龙王和其他三海龙王的请求,死罪可免,活罪难逃。于是玉帝判二子此生只能累积好(财)运,为其主人效命,玉帝也取去二子肛门,是谓只进不出,所以貔貅被誉为有为主人聚财的能力,除此之外貔貅也因是龙头具有杀气之相,被誉为有辟邪的能力。因为是一对男女,是以现在人们请貔貅都是以一对来请。
信不信看个人,怡保芽菜鸡的老板就是去香港请了对貔貅后生意兴隆(可以去注意店里的收银处),云顶的林伯在门前摆的就是对貔貅,李嘉诚和李光耀等等都有不少貔貅,和大部分人不同的是他们的貔貅都是经过大师开光,是以比较有灵性。 但也不是每个人请了貔貅就能发达,正所谓师傅领进门,练功靠个人,做人还是要脚踏实地,好运自然会来。
According to the tourist guide, shenzhen security is not that stable currently. Unlike hong kong, you won't see many BMW and MERZ here, but in return you WILL SEE HONDA! THE POWER OF DREAM!
Next stop, PARIS!
See? haha
Closer shot. Kacha~
My dream come ...half true. :p
Actually it's in 世界之窗,another good hotspot for pak tor which is located in Shenzhen, China.
Cuci mata for Mr. Lim,
螳螂(her friend)捕蝉(her),麻雀(Me, the gold fish)在后.XD
?? waterfall
Statue naked is legal, animal naked is legal, human naked is kena lokap...zzz.
Jurassic also got...LMAO.
The origin story of 7-up brand name is taken from snow white and the 7 little perverts. The story begin when one day, 7 perverts curi tengok snow white take bath and have 生理反应, so here comes 7-"up".
Yea next time you heard your friends 蜜月 in Paris, must really check the photos again.
Wind mill.
卖男孩的小火柴, made in China and only in China.
一对男女打野战, p/s: before
Sydney, Plus 树枝...
The rest let the photos do the talking. XD
Mom hiaoing...
Finish 世界之窗,now next stop ------>小人国(not a place with 小人, it never exist) 小人国, a place built specially to show all the China famous tourism hotspot (all being shrink 150!? times), even myself didn't manage to finish the whole place there, so many to see so little time to spend. =="
!? what is that behind me? Building? who's the photographer? >.
Turn bah turn bah, let all the good luck go away, bad luck come to me!?
Here I got the chance to know China girl more, story goes like this, once upon a time, i go to this 四歌颂 stone,
so ngam this China girl was there too taking photo, so I took the photo with her in it together and said 不好意思 coz I capture her in photo as well. LOL guess how she respond? 要拍我就直说嘛,干嘛要不好意思? =.=" brother i really unintentionally capture you in the photo nia la... Anyway kinda make me realize that I am kind of 婆婆妈妈 sometimes. I remember the day before I went to Hong Kong, a friend told this to me, 决定前想多没关系,决定了就不要去想了. So next time when I go Shenzhen cari ayam I will be more straight forward. >:-D AAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
The final show for today, IMBA more than 4k people here. Believe it or not the stage is built with a cost of 10 billion 人民币 = =" Nah a few short (short means short, I mean it) clips for the show.
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End of the day. Went back to the hotel room and sleep like after having sex. Tomorrow we will go to a place where it brought back our childhood memories, Disney Land.
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