view from my hotel room :( just building and more building.
Go have breakfast at one of the nearest 点心楼,everything here is 现蒸现送上,so it's absolutely 新鲜热辣。One thing so special in HK is diu lei lou mou, lei lou mei, gong mat 7(chat) is so common in conversation here LOL.
又一村,西洋菜街,a lot of weird name in Heong Kong.
Since most of the shop only open from 10a.m. or later so few people and cars now.
Police so early come out jalan jalan cari makan.
FINALLY got the chance to see people use BMW 5 series as wedding car, YEH~! But mine I plan to make it 12, ish who can lend me? T_T
Finish makan breakfast, time to go visit the Hong Kong famous feng shui spot. Nah here's a little bit 皮毛on风水. Know why houses and apartment at seaside and on top hill all damn expensive? Take this photo as example,
It's because we chinese believe when the house face sea, sea means water(水), and water in cantonese means $$, so everyday see water means water flow in to your pocket. Another thing, not only the house must face sea, behind the house must also have mountain, why? it's because it's 靠山, means you got force to support you in everything you are doing. 明白了没有?
See the bridge over there, forget the name d, but when you walk pass it, legend says you are granted 1 day of 天寿,正所谓天上一天,凡间一年,walk pass then you are granted 1 years of life span, but if you turn back on the bridge, this 天 very 小气 one, your life span of 9 years will be taken away. LOL who 嫌命长 can try and see, I want to see what will happen. XD
There is a story behind why the statue of God of Mercy (观音) is here, legend says there was once flood in this area, the water level raise until the place where the statue of God of Mercy was right now. After people place this 2 statues here, it is said that the reason for water level to go down is because 海龙王 give face to 观音菩萨, so the water level was lowered down and open an enough space for the prayers to come to 侍奉观音.
Here we will get the chance to visit 姻缘石 According to legend, if you have a gf/bf and you want to know if he/she is your 真命天子/女, just touch the stone and think of your gf/bf, if you two are meant for each other, 月老will visit you in dream and connect you both with red string. While for those who already married, can come and touch the stone also so that 月老can strengthen the bond of you and your 另一半.
The old apartment Jackie Chan stay before moving to the new 豪宅 below.
The 豪宅 Jackie Chan stay before, see the round building on left hand side? this is the 豪宅 Jackie Chan stay before he finally going internationally in his career. feng shui master believe that place is excellent in feng shui and said to be able to help 招财. The former owner of this place don't want to sell it no matter how Jackie offer him, until he eventually pass away and ownership pass to his son who is a "GOD OF GAMBLER". So when God of gambler need money to "win" more money, he sold the apartment to Jackie Chan, and Jackie straight become international star after that.
Only 月老 know who i love the most now. Pleaseeee come in my dream laeeee~ :p
On the way to our next destination, we caught in an accident! ROFL luckily is just a scratch but the problem was not solve here, this sohai, as you see,
with his size of stupid belly, already can tell he doesn't have a brain la. LOL the fact is he tries to potong our bus with his suck ass driving skill, so he scratch our bus. The story didn't just end here, our driver don't want to kira with him because afraid it might delay the trip schedule but this piece of shit refuse to tolerate and still request for repair compensation.
Haiz, didn't his mom teach him , 做错要认,被打站正, apparently this guy just si ai bin, so forget it, call 警察叔叔come settle, surprisingly the police force here work efficiently, one call they can come in 5 minutes lol. While waiting, take a photo of his damn car, zzz 2000, buy ToTo dunno can kena bo.
After 5 minutes, come de is lengzai 哥哥 not叔叔, and wearing damn yeng mia costume somemore. The selling point here is without needing any duit kopi the problem settle in 15 minutes, because the government compensate them well enough.
Hong Kong taxis' quantity are 4 out of 10 cars according to statistic. Hong Kong taxis are all TOYOTA.
Settle the problem, now continue our journey, go to see the place where Stephen Chow filmed his 食神. The 珍宝.
Besides 珍宝, here is also 水上人居,according to Hong Kong history, they are the 1st local citizen who lived in HK, but until now they all kena press by HK mia rich ppl(I dunwan to mention who here la lol, later kena black society gang bang mah gai)
Luckily our 大哥 Mr. Jackie Chan sendiri took HKD 3 million to build this place and sign a 5 years contract with them and make it a tourism hotspot. haiz but now 5 years contract almost end, what is their fate next? I wonder...:(
Take a nice ride around the 水上人居 here, it's said that our bad luck will 转一圈 and go away.
游艇 No.1 and No. 2 Left view
游艇 No. 1and No. 2 right view
游艇 No. 3
游艇 No. 4, my favorite, cost HKD 1.6 million, blurk..
游艇 No. 5
Leon Lai mia 游艇(Cincai choose one from the 5 yatchs above, I also forgot which one is his yatch already wakakaka, if not mistaken is no. 5 la, plate number got 66 one), HKD 400,000 just for parking fee per month. 李嘉诚 mia lagi Geli, HKD 1,600,000, but sadly I missed it somehow, because it's said to be covered up.
Another rare car.
Go to TSL jewelary, 谢瑞祥珠宝,Diamond here is hao siao one, all sky high price ==" cheapest also need RM 500. Since photos are not allowed, so you all makan sendiri bah.
Diamond are forever, sorry I don't wish and I don't want us to be forever, 50 or 60 years enough d la, buy fake one can d.
Finish Diamond, now go to Jade. Went to this 翠玉堂,also photos are not allowed, eat sendiri again lor. For myself I 请了对貔貅,开光by the same法师who help the 怡保芽菜鸡的tauke的貔貅to开光. 貔貅 is believe to be able to bring fortune and prosperous to the owner and on the same time block 小人. More story on 貔貅 will be reviewed on the next post, please stay tune.
Hong Kong trip temporily end for now, went to railway station at 红墈, preparing to go shenzhen cari ayam. Haha just kidding where got money, haiz.
Shenzhen population is 5.5 girls vs 1 boy. Hehehe so Shenzhen really is a heaven for male lar, as when supply more than demand, "you know what" will happen la. :p
导游 brought us to a place where you can find all the fake stuff and lengzai lenglui in shenzhen, 东门.
See the buildings? Can feel a bit like Singapore mia buildings bo, hahaha.
McDonald, ROFLMAO, got pork burger one, must try.
为食猫 = ="
Although the people here is not as many as TOKYO, but its more than Hong Kong already.
The hotel that we are going to stay for 2 days.
The hotel here is really nice, you can remote everything and just sitting on the bed. Arrrhh...end of second day, thank god my legs are still with me...T3T
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