Went to Penang airport to eat free air-con until 8a.m., then baru depart. Lame. Luckily the stewardess are pretty, and the chicken sausage is nice to eat, 安抚我心里的不平衡.
After 4 hours of flight, finally we reach Heong Kong. :D
Take some photos sin.
Automatic! WTF! i think my penis was being spied. NO~
So many people travel to Hong Kong, got Istanbul, Japan, Korean, bla bla bla...and bla bla bla
海关here pronounce as custom, 顾名思义is checking la. that should explain how the word customer come from, so next time when you buy something without checking the quality, don't call yourself a "custom"er, you are just a 贪小便宜 mia noobie.
Our brilliant 导游 had taught us an important lesson on traveling, which is to 把钱花光,为国争光. Only after finish spending only we will work harder on earning more money, LOL.
ROFL what a theory, but maybe this is the reason why Hong Kong economy grow rapidly.
1st destination, go sembahyang 拜神 sin, for the best of luck for the next few days in both Hong kong and Shenzhen.
Looks familiar? Nope it's not Penang bridge. What is it? I also dunno. =.=" forget d la...
This货舱,built by Mr. 李嘉诚, just because he beh song Singapore's 货舱 is larger. LOL rich people really sibeh hiao.
Tall buildings everywhere, Heong Kong really 寸土如金.
Samsung advertisement.
啬色园(spell wrong this name one can go long piak 100 times, well at least I did)
Stop looking at me please, my face don't have gold fish lar.
lol no matter where you go, there are always lame religion practitioner who like to mix up with politic. 法轮功 LOL,like my sifu said, there are only 2 type of people in this world, leader and follower, obviously they are the second type and brainless somemore.
LOL beware of slippery floor.
洗衣街,女人街(Shopping heaven)
At HK, where ever there got 7-11, sure got K. Competition leads better performance mah.
Everywhere also people and tall buildings.
Mc Donald can't own in HK.
See the 烧腊 restaurant over there? guess how much it's rental for 1 month, 150,000 HKD per month. LOL tak percaya can go open one shop in Hong Kong try and see.
Next stop we will go to 星光大道,尖沙咀
Hazy + Cold~
Bruce Lee, acha~
Nah, Jackie Chan and sammo Hung mia palm record, others i am not interested.
The place we had dinner today. I ate at least 5 bowl of rice + 8 different types of dishes. =.="
Night time, go 太平山,visit wax muzeum. Hong Kong is just full of rich people, believe it or not, the whole trip to go to the top of the hill, I only saw BMW 3,5 series, Nissan fairlady, a few Lexus and Porsche.
From the top of the hill you can see Mr. Robert Kuok and Mr. Lee Building, both got feng shui story. Since the photos of them is blur and some kena block by 树枝, so I am not posting them here. Got time I will tell the story when drink tea, and suprisingly only a few people know the story even Hong Kong people didn't know the full story. :p
Stephen Chow also own a few 豪宅 here(Can go Google it for more information), just sold 1 with 3.5 billion or something to a sohai from US, right before this economy crisis. I wonder who's the sohai so unlucky. :D
People waiting for lan Cable Car.
Celaka really damn cold this season + we are on top of the hill. =.="
mou diu better go into the building first.
And here we are, Wax Muzeum.
Hi my er...relative Bruce Lee.
Nah, international language proudly presented by the next president of U.S.A., Mr. Jason Lee.
Now Hitler secret review, if not because of me as his 军师,he's still a noob with noob misai. However German lost is not my problem d lar. :p
李嘉诚 copy my pose.
Andy Lau looking for trouble.
姚明 kena kucit will miss his shot or not?
Ayumi doesn't seems to like take photo with me, oh well nevermind la...
Bread Pit
Angelina Jolie
Night view of HK city. End of first day. Legs almost patah, consequences of lack of exercise. So my advice for travellers is walk at least half hour a day please.
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