Sunday, August 31, 2008

7 Deadly Sins

Lust, I hunger for sex
Gluttony, I dying for luxury meals
Greed, I never had enough with current wealth
Sloth, Lazy, lazy + lazy.
Wrath, Hot tempered
Envy, easy to get jealous with others nice stuff
Pride, the proud feelings to leverage my own status among others

I had all of them. I think I just made myself Satan.


爱国,不是在国庆日的时候挂上两支旗帜就能表达出你对国家的尊敬和爱, 就和无法只在情人节那天献上一束花和一夜激情就能表达出你对你的“爱人”的爱意是一样的道理。Love is to be shown through daily activities, instead of a particular day that doesn't have any difference with other days.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Malaysia

Happy Birthday to my country, Malaysia. Finally step into the year of 51, Wish your citizen will finally learn how to queue when taking the bus, and the leaders would stop behave like children in Parlimen.

Friday, August 29, 2008


Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular
passion from other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a
perseverance of delight in the continued and indefatigable generation
of knowledge, exceeds the short vehemence of any carnal pleasure.

Quote from Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan -

Thursday, August 28, 2008



- 没什么事情会比圆梦来的有价值 -

Invisible Flows

When a person words or actions could not be understand, it's because everyone are swept up in the same flow, while he's just going against it.

- Do Not be afraid when you don't know something, because the more you learn, the more you don't know. -

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ginna can be very Chubi

Today Limpeh go visit my god daughter, ok visit my friend also

Me : Yiyi, you tau ini ape? (Showing her RM 10 wang kertas note)
yiyi: I know I know, papa got teach me, this is Duit KOPI.
Me : ...(wtf!?)

ROFL, ah志 lu si anzua chi kia eh? Teach your daughter things like this, chibai la lu, but damn nice la she will become fucking pro joker to entertain both of us in the future wakaka.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


男人爱看美女,就和女人爱看帅哥是一样的道理,为什么男人看美女就是花心,咸湿,而女人看帅哥就是理所当然?Definitely another not enough brain case,绝对只会发生在那些自以为是,爱扮纯情,小小年纪却大白天以为自己条件很好可是却没有男朋友还要扮清高的三姑六婆和八婆的身上。检讨一下啦,做老处女时只会苦了自己。

Go get a life before you keep complaining life sucks. Losers.


When you asked a he/she can or cannot question, you had to anticipate the "cannot" as their answer. So what can I say to those who cannot accept the "cannot" answer when they ask this type of question? Your mother definitely didn't give you enough brain during birth, Pi terjun longkang senang.



养不教,父之过;子不学,非所宜, Limpeh 认为应该是  养不教,父之过;子不学,谁的错,会来得更正确。


父母亲教子女如何煮饭,洗衣,整理,给他们机会去邮局交路税,去车厂修理汽车,都是在教孩子们将来如何独立,如何省钱。就好像今天水喉坏了可以自己修理,为什么要请人修理,就是因为不会?他妈的读那么多书有个屁用,Form 2 kemahiran hidup score A mia tau ini itu tapi bila nak buat semua tak tau, then 学来Kampui? 讲没时间修理,嫌钱多,还是要给修理工人有工作都是在放屁的借口,死要脸就讲死要脸。父母已经做了功课,如果孩子还是不肯学习,该怪谁?

只要出到社会,接触到人,什么都有机会接触到。举个例子,粗口。通过朋友,通过网站,通过梁智强的戏就一定会听到,你能够叫他们在听到后忘掉吗?你唯一能做到的就是在他们还没从别人身上学到前先教会他们,让他们自己学习分辨。我宁愿自己先教我的孩子们这些“东东”,好让他们以后听到人家说KNN, CCB, LP 的时候还傻傻的问人家那是虾米东东。


有了 Beh Ki 的人民,才会有 Beh Ki 的国家

不是有了国家,才有了人民, 而是有了人民,才有了国家。

我不知道,一个国家的人民如果到了二十岁的年龄还不懂得煮饭做菜喂饱自己,衣服都懒惰自己洗(有洗衣机),手上有垃圾cincai buang,动不动就只会想占别人便宜,做错事了没勇气去承担责任,会建立怎样的国家。

人类,自称最聪明的生物,谁不知,称号如果是自己给自己的,根本就是毫无价值可言,因为这只是 Siok Sendiri nia.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


很多人都很清楚,机会是留给有准备的人的道理,但又有多少人会去做准备并且把握机会。至少我不是一个,但我经历了,错过了机会的感觉很伤,比起在打DotA被Lion+Lina Ulti + Stun 8 seconds还伤,现在我在做出改变。这次的改变和以往不同,原来为自己而改变远比为别人而改变来的艰难,但我很庆幸,终于又在人生中学习到了一些东西,或许这就是命运的安排吧。

谢谢你,即使在这么远的距离还愿意为我分担心灵上的痛苦。很痛恨,我还没办法承担你所承担过的责任与问题, 或许我还很幼稚,但我也会有成熟的一天,而那一天来临时我将能和你分担你的一切。

- Touched the flesh instead of the soul, it's pointless. -





For the memorial of the conclusion of the conversation between Jason Lee and Jessica Lin on 23/8/2008.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


对不起, 原谅我没能再见你最后一面。


Sunday, August 17, 2008

No. 7683 days of my life


Word is a very powerful tool, used correctly, it may benefits a lot, used wrongly, it may hurt. Yes, you just hurt me, just like how i hurt others using the same way. We both played words very well, and I hope someday we can used them to benefit each others, instead of hurting ourselves.