Monday, September 29, 2008
My target, My Vision, My Life
This would be the car I would get if I am not going to marry in another 6 years, or else I would be getting Civic Hybrid for family trip.
I have my vision in life, which is to become a successful person in either my career and also become a great family member, a more accurate way to say this is I want to become a successful father and a leader.
I want to enjoy my life with my family and not to neglect my career on the same time. My own measurement for success is how well a person live their life to the fullest when he/she is breathing.
Being a Y generation youngster, I had realize that it is a fact that I can't handle obstacles with great persistant and courage. However with the support from YOU ALL, I am sure I can make it through. Thank you for everything.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Start becoming a smart investor today
So the topic that I would like to discuss here is are you a smart investor? As we all had realize, the inflation rate had becoming a troublesome for almost 60% of the people from any country, Malaysia is one of it. Below is the investment that EPF made to project its income:
Types of Investment | RM Billion | Percentage |
Malaysian Government Securities | 107.3 | 32.7% |
Loans and Bonds | 130.4 | 39.7% |
Equities | 73.2 | 22.3% |
Money Market Instruments | 15.5 | 4.7% |
Properties | 1.8 | 0.6% |
Total | 328.2 | 100% |
Because EPF is an entity that need to act for overall benefits of its investors and it must make sure of the return is sufficient to cover the promised rate, so its investing its fund in Malaysia Government Securities (MGS) and loans and bonds. Meanwhile we all know that the equities and properties are the types of investment that can really help us project a higher income. If you are in an early of 20 to 30 years old, do you think you are not eligible to take a higher risk? which is why I would said the EPF investment strategies doesn't suit a young employee. Instead they should be searching for a higher return investment tools as they still need to work for another 20 or maybe 30 years.
Today your EPF return is 5.8%, however the government had already release the news for all EPF members to encourage them to look for a better investment tools to accumulate their retirement fund, the reason is simple as in the future they are hardly to maintain a 5.8% return rate. And we can obviously notice this through their action of allowing its members to withdraw a portion of their account 1 saving to switch to mutual fund. My forecast of the EPF rate of return would be around 3-4%, but would never be lower than Fixed Deposit (FD) interest. And since FD rate is also anticipate to decrease in the future, we can expect the EPF return rate is going to decrease as well. Remember, nothing is impossible in this dynamic era, you need to make preparation for every possible circumstances to happen any time.
The phenomena of EPF members to switch their savings to mutual funds had started since year 2002, so why bother to be the last to follow the crowd when you can be the one leading the flow? Hence what is the next move for yourself? Please do not wait until things happen then only tried to fix it, we have to always remember that prevention is always better than cure.
Source of info :, KLSE Stock Review
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
How to Identify a potential share in the market
Third, the share you are going to invest is unlikely to being affected by most of the environment factor, and the products that the company are selling is unable to being replaced in your life.
So right now, when you are going to invest, I am going to give a piece of an advice to you all, invest in technology related company, but why? The reason is plain simple, just look at yourself and around you, do you demand for a better laptop, better computer, better handphone, better pendrive, better wireless service, better internet connection, better blablabla today? Technology is getting advance day by day, handphone has the significant evolution we can observe, from a bottle type to a cute 4G handphone today, from a simple communication tools to an entertainment and business tools. Ask around, who doesn't need a handphone today? But I am sure you aren't just going to find the 10 or 20% of the people just to proof to me that technology is not important in our life, LOL. On the other hand, people keep complaining on how bad is the economy, but majority is still willing to spend on technology gadgets, Nokia is still developing more and more wireless enabled handphone. Japan is still innovating it's robot, so did anything of this economy crisis affect their performance, the answer is YES, but just from the investment they made, not their main business in field. So, had you made up your mind, or did you think over such matter before invest, if it is NO, then make it YES today.
Monday, September 22, 2008
When you see this photo I posted, what is the first thing you had in mind?
1. Share market graph.
2. Electrocardiogram. (心电图)
It's both, why do I said so, the up up down down of the line represent the unstability and risk that often occurs in the market. But what does it has to do with electrocardiogram?I like to relate it to our life, today when you are still living the Electrocardiogram would also end up showing up down up down, unless when you are dead, the line would be linear. So today when you invest, please don't ask for "guarantee return". There's no such thing as guarantee return under any circumstances. Accept the rules of the investing as you accept the shape of the line shown in electrocardiogram.
10% of the people create income for 90% of the people today, so if you want to become the 10%, don't join the 90%. - by unknown
Do Not Wait People to motivate you
Tough times never last but tough people do - by Robert H. Schuller
Success is not measured by what a person accomplishes, but by the opposition they have encountered, and by the courage with which they have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. - by Charles Lindberg
Sunday, September 21, 2008
If you are fooling around with time, it will fools you back.
人会照顾身体健康的meh? 只有在发生过后吧。
有人答不会,怎样解释?他们给的理由是如果panadol无益,医生可以关店了。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。我请你吃蕉,要argue的去读完医书大全再回来找我,不然你没chance赢这场argue pun。我的堂姐是美国的医生,这是她把整份医学报告解释给我听的,你的reference呢?来啊。
Sweden 的wireless city,假的? 不止Sweden,wikipedia好像有提到更多。
就好比今天用天然气取代汽油,你说危险,因为容易爆炸,那我问你,你不用,别人用,他撞你,是不是一样爆炸?要kena还是会kena,管你多小心。今天你人体里几亿的细胞,随便一个变质,都可以让你致癌,你那么厉害避去避咯,太空最安全,真空啊,可惜你又需要氧气。烦,做仙咯,可是你又不敢,理由?你自己最清楚啦,何必要我给你bo bin.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Your life mama huhu , your children life also mamahuhu
I am definetely not the best but I am certainly not belongs to the normal group. So where am I actually? I am at my home, sleeping.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Ore no tomodachi, Ogenki desuka
What ever happens, happens for a reason
Just think like this, if everyone believe in newspaper when market down, they advice don't invest, so everyone stop so what will happen in the end? Economy get worst lo. Its same like the business game I played last time, why so many companies facing bankruptcy crisis? because they see their product can't sell, so they keep on cutting the cost, instead of spending more to increase the quality and promotion. Eventually lead to end of the company.
The actual economy flow should be, when it's down, people should help to spend more to help country recover from it, not being selfish to keep on keeping the money. Can eat hor? Like what I heard recently about how my girl friends jimat money through some ridiculous way. Taking advantage on others mean others would do the same on you. End up in a sohai cycle that damage everyone.
Today you know how many assets an insurance company have?
Use this as example:
the yearly premium collected = 100%, the claimed ammount for the year averagely = 30% means there are still 70% of the portion left. So the AIG news that being reported recently can just be taken as a case study in the future. I would care less on such matter. Reason I will mention below.
And back to the economy issue recently. The index drop below 1k right? so what does it means? Actually different ppl will have different view, thats why there are rich and poor people in contrast. Normal people would think, fuck lo drop like this, hold or sell to minimize loss bah. For those high AQ ppl, they would just throw more money to purchase the share they believe would have potential in the future, in this case, I recommend telecommunication, I already mention this type of share 2 years ago, and now recently even penang government had started to launch this wireless city program. I am really glad that my forecast was not wasted and even gained more confident towards my coming forecast.
Just think like this, the market would down forever? if yes then go buy urself a coffin, i believe you are soon going to commit suicide in 1 or 2 years.
Logical thinking please, the market up up down down for years before you are even born, so what's wrong if history repeats again. If you are prepared why bother to concern on such common event. Same applies to the AIG company incident, now down down down, means up up up in the future. If everyone really lack of confident towards a multinational company then go ahead surrender you policy and see whether it will bankrupt or not, in the end you are the one lossing the most. ROFL, people should live like how they are, help each others. Whenever you study back the history on how European countries can quickly recover from economy crisis, you would certainly find that their people are educated with all sorts of financial knowledge, thats why they clearly understand what they are doing, instead being selfish, they help each other by behaving as a wise consumer.
Please lar Malaysian, belum bangun keh? Mau tidur sampai bila? Mati? Lame.
I remember once there are this psychologist once said "when you get older, the harder you are to accept new things, because of the ego within you, make you a person who refuse to continue growing." I mahai diu 7 damn holy fuck agree with this professor theory, because all I see is a bunch of lansi lanyong young cattle. Go ahead continue think of more idea to take advantage on others, you think others won't do the same on you? BWAHAHA you are funny. Know what is 报应bo?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
This is exactly the face expression I want to make but couldn't make it when you told me you got a girlfriend and you both are going to get married soon. Anyway bless you, fucker, bila jadi Dato please remember your heng dai still eating economy rice outside everyday, if can just bungkus 10 or 20 box of abalone for me can d, I really tak tamak.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thank you, and sorry.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
wa hin, wa hin, wa hin hin hin.
Ngo wan, ngo wan, ngo wan wan wan.
Aku pening, pening, ning ning ning
I ☆☆, I ☆☆, I ☆☆☆☆☆
Source: 不要再說我幼稚 by 鄧惠文醫師
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A(100% sent)---->sohai middle man( received 70%, sent 60%)---->B(40% received)
A(100% sent)----->B(100% received)
The first one is used by losers, the second one applied by most of the successful people.
1. 我paiseh跟他讲。(paiseh就不用讲,很easy的)
2. 我电话没有钱了。(电话有钱你打,没钱不要学人拿,你的钱是钱,别人的钱不是钱?)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
现在把你自己当成是神,是菩萨,你是不是应该多帮穷人,让他们中TOTO, 4D, 少帮富人?
再问问你,现在有两个信徒,A买了水果,B买了大鱼,鸡,烤猪,你照理应该帮谁?A or B
如果你说帮A, 我听你放屁,今天对你没利益的朋友你会帮?我呸,更何况A只给了你那么一丁点东西,问问你的心,你真的会帮他吗?
如果你说帮B, B是有钱人,你是神,是菩萨,不是应该帮穷人的吗?可是B给了你那么多好处,你还不帮他很不公平哩。
Adversity Quotient (AQ)
When you met someone like this, become his/her ally instead of enemy.
- Everyone received a blessed gift from the higher being, which made everyone looked so special in other people eyes. By LukSiuFung, my sohai pang yau.-
Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
侄女打了通电话给我,告诉我数学考了43分,不敢告诉父母。我只能安慰她,答应她会向他父亲商量,然后私底下找他老爸谈。父母亲最失败的就是当孩子有问题时,不先找你们商量。考不好就让孩子觉得是世界末日,你们身为父母的责任尽到了哪里?今天我可以很肯定的告诉你,如果你现在就要死,你不会为了因为某个鸟paper没考到100分,也不会为了没赚到个100万而后悔,遗憾,而是会为了没有曾经享受过学习的乐趣,和陪伴孩子成长后悔莫及。你真的想让你的孩子成为我说的这样吗?好心啦,考不好...不用死的。你父母的错误,造就了你,你还想重复吗?想好了就Go ahead...
“天生我才必有用,只会读书没有用,学了不用更没用,用了还错真没用。” - 宁 -
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Source: Unkown
自己也曾经经历过,阿忠,阿文以前也是很beh song我的样子,说是我很串,又不是很好看,很ginna款,最后我们还不是成了难兄难弟,到现在回想起还真的有点不可思议。